Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Paving the way

So I used to send an energetic "hello" out into a room before I knocked on the door to wake my lead hand up. I found that when I would do that it would only take 1 knock and he'd be wide awake.

Or I could feel his sleep cycle and find a better time to wake him - if not immediately energetically adjustable.

So I was thinking.

You know how people always say "I was just thinking about you..." when you spur of the moment call them?

How can we cause that?

I got a very nice looking girl's number from the bar last week. Told her that I would call her in a week (being today). So I just spent the last 3 minutes coaxing a connection into her head. Being all like "hey! its me!" on an energetic level. In another 5 or so minutes going to call her up and see the reaction.

I wanted to post this first incase it didn't work at all. *smile* I just figured that maybe this is something we could work on.

Like ringing the doorbell before walking into a house - same thing. Only before we phone someone.


Friday, October 26, 2007

Best Friends

I was thinking about friends. Best friends specifically.

I think I've come to terms with what having a friend actually means.

By that, I mean - I own a house with a guy I've known more than half my life. I've known many friends, good friends. I've lived with a few and have seen other's soul - through their eyes and words as they express their fears and loves.

But what makes the best?

I sorta figured tonight (as I lay in the tub) that a best friend is someone who see's your steps in the sand and understands where your heading. Someone who doesn't deter you from your path, no matter how unalike it is from his/hers. And at the end of the day, shares in the celebration of accomplishment or gives you a hug to pick you back up. So that you both can walk your paths again.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The charisma arts seminar

Okk... funny story.

I'm not sure what it is - either one of two things.

1) Its coming up to november, I always find tonnes of girls around november.
2) The techniques at the charisma arts seminar are gold, they're giving me the proper vocabulary to pickup girls.
3) I came back from NYC with new confidence which makes the women want me.

Something like this ... I dunno. But I was at the bar last night and picked up a beautiful blonde. (picked up - aka - got her number)

horray for me.

Oh; and incidently, I'm starting to see energy as a field. Well... not see... but see at the same time. See as in sense with something other than my eyes. It confuses the hell out of me, but is cool too.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Ok; so I done good over the last few days.

The met. that I briefly mentioned going to in the last post - I took a girl there (which I had met the prior weekend).

The charm school boys said 2 major things about my picking up ability. 1 - that if I don't go for 8's and 9's (rating of physical beauty - with 1 being low and 10 being perfect) girls will get confused. I guess I'm attractive and because of that, people have expectations about who I chase after.

2nd of all... they said I need to step up a little more. I always give girls hugs to say good by (and hello... and in the middle too). They said that that was good, but with who I am and how I carry myself, girls expect to be kissed by me and are thrown off (and I'm sure upset) when I only hug them.

Which is strange to me. I like being nice to people and taking things slow.

So I gave their hints a little try over the last few days.

Guess what...

Apperently, not only are girls not upset when I kiss them, but they're more than pleased to continue kissing for some time.

Who knew?

So I rolled up to my shady New Jersey hotel room a few nights back. There were some hillbillies standing outside the rooms drinking beer. I walked up and started chatting with them cause I was bored-ish. Some girls came out and joined them later, one of which I claimed. Ended up going back to her hotel room (which she was sharing with her best friend) and making out with her on the bed (while the best friend sat on the chair beside the bed and tried to ignore us. Which... incidently... was rather difficult when trying to roll over, I slammed my girl's head against the head board and promptly fell off the bed. Smooth.)

She didn't want to come over to my room (maybe because I told her I was trouble and like to take advantage of half drunk girls earlier) for some reason so I called it a night and headed back for some sleep.

Things didn't seem right, so I laid there (still dressed... mostly) and read (with a knife beside me) for an hour or so; until there was a knock on my door. (surprise surprise)

So I made out for a while longer, but something wasn't right. While I had the girl pulled into a very trance like state I asked her a few more questions. Turns out she's rather upset about an ex-boyfriend. (the usual stuff)

While she was chillin' out, I delved into her head and did a little energy healing, using my words as hypnotic suggestion to help her out with her love life.

I actually feel rather good about the whole thing. That maybe I made a difference (if only a small one) in someone's life.

And no - I didn't sleep with her. She would have been more than happy, I'm sure (and her fat/ugly friend in the next room would have joined if asked) but I just wanted to play a little bit, not make anything seriuos.

All in all, a very good night.

Um... I'm an idiot

I was chillin in NYC with my buddy (who lives there) and he's showing me all his cool survival gear.

Pulls out this tazer. We're sorta playing around with it and it dawns on me that I would rather like to know what it feels like to be zapped.

We took out the explosive dart package (cause that would just be dumb) and he turns it on, pulls the trigger to start the arc across the electrodes.

"you good?" "yup" and touches it to my leg.

Yeah, incidently - if your ever offered the oppourtunity to be tazered... just say no.

It stung something fierce and whatever gets hit freaks out. The muscles go wierd and it hurts really really badly. Oh, and it burns after.

Fortunately, after a short period of time (during which, I tazered him and he tazered his girlfriend) all the hurt went away.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Vampire monks and Wearwolves

Okk... so first of all; I'm chillin out in New York City.

Its actually quite beautiful out here. The people are just amazing and there are a whole bunch of things I'm rather enjoying checking out.

Why am I here instead of home?
My rig finished up just in time for me to sign up for a "charisma arts charm school boot camp" hosted by an instructor who posts blog articles I've been enjoying for a while. We hit the town for 3 days identifying all sorts of wonderful things I need to adjust in my approach method and outlining the "Juggler method" of picking up women. - incidently - it works like a hot damn. I just got off the subway and scored a number from a girl I'd been talking to for almost 2 minutes.

Typical me fashion; I'm jumping around on my points. Rig shut down, went to New York for the seminar, then I went to Philly for an "urban escape and evasion" seminar. It actually was quite amazing and I picked up alot of street-craft skills.

Like blending in or becoming practically invisible... just cool stuff that really everyone should know if they travel.

Came back to NYC for a day to hang out with a friend I met at that Tactical Awareness seminar I took in 2005 and then I fly home for a few days.

Lather, rinse, repeat. Back to New York State in 3-4 days.

Oh, and here's a picture everyone will like.

A monk (who was chanting outside the metropolitan museum of art) wearing vampire teeth surrounded by wearwolves.