Saturday, October 20, 2007

Vampire monks and Wearwolves

Okk... so first of all; I'm chillin out in New York City.

Its actually quite beautiful out here. The people are just amazing and there are a whole bunch of things I'm rather enjoying checking out.

Why am I here instead of home?
My rig finished up just in time for me to sign up for a "charisma arts charm school boot camp" hosted by an instructor who posts blog articles I've been enjoying for a while. We hit the town for 3 days identifying all sorts of wonderful things I need to adjust in my approach method and outlining the "Juggler method" of picking up women. - incidently - it works like a hot damn. I just got off the subway and scored a number from a girl I'd been talking to for almost 2 minutes.

Typical me fashion; I'm jumping around on my points. Rig shut down, went to New York for the seminar, then I went to Philly for an "urban escape and evasion" seminar. It actually was quite amazing and I picked up alot of street-craft skills.

Like blending in or becoming practically invisible... just cool stuff that really everyone should know if they travel.

Came back to NYC for a day to hang out with a friend I met at that Tactical Awareness seminar I took in 2005 and then I fly home for a few days.

Lather, rinse, repeat. Back to New York State in 3-4 days.

Oh, and here's a picture everyone will like.

A monk (who was chanting outside the metropolitan museum of art) wearing vampire teeth surrounded by wearwolves.


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