Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The charisma arts seminar

Okk... funny story.

I'm not sure what it is - either one of two things.

1) Its coming up to november, I always find tonnes of girls around november.
2) The techniques at the charisma arts seminar are gold, they're giving me the proper vocabulary to pickup girls.
3) I came back from NYC with new confidence which makes the women want me.

Something like this ... I dunno. But I was at the bar last night and picked up a beautiful blonde. (picked up - aka - got her number)

horray for me.

Oh; and incidently, I'm starting to see energy as a field. Well... not see... but see at the same time. See as in sense with something other than my eyes. It confuses the hell out of me, but is cool too.


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