Flying solo
In the last post, I made a mention to the "wing man". There are alot of enlightened people out there who know of this delightfull concept; I usually have a perspective that blows away the surface and drills to a new low.
We start with my favorite principal.
At the bar, one person can be anyone they want to be. The lowliest nerd can pull off the "most popular" act. One night, alcohol and alot of strangers means that anyone you meet can pretend to be anything they think of.
And we know this; as people; instinctually know that surface value 'first meetings' are not to be trusted. So we don't.
As far as I'm concerned, a man is a collection of his friends values and experiances. (sorta)
Every interest a person has will be represented in the people he calls friends. If I like to play pool, I will try to find other people to play pool with. If I like to paint, I will find the community of painters and call some of them family.
Who you have with you is your resume. If you go to the bar with that creepy guy everyone avoids; you approach a group of girls with him and ask to dance; they look at him, they look at you... and that instant judging takes place.
Secondly; its rare for a girl to go to the bar by herself.
She will always have another person like minded with her. Wether its to get sloshed out of their minds or to pickup and get coumfortable with men; the girl always has backup.
Someone to watch the drinks while she goes to the bathroom. Another pair of eyes to follow the purses; someone who may be capable of remembering a cab's number when the bar closes.
As a guy, we try to get in and take one girl out of that duo to the dance floor... take that one girl just a little away from her friend and ask for her number? Its impossible. The "splitup pickup" is one of the hardest maneuvers known to man.
When your dancing with her, you need someone looking after her friend. You need that confidence in your potential date that her friend is enjoying herself, not getting lost/upset/too drunk/going home with the wrong man... or any of the other thousand things that can happen.
You need someone with skill and style similar to yours who can hold the line while you hook that fish.
In comes "the wingman".
Finally; when a guy is trying to successfully lure in someone worth their time; dancing alone doesn't cut it.
A guy makes eye contact, smiles but has to play "I'm available... come get me". Whats he going to do?
Look at the ceiling? Watch his objective? Stare at other girls?
NO! He's going to engauge his wingman in conversation. Talk about the music, whats on TV, maybe even go onto the dance floor and enjoy themselves.
Lots of options. Less when your alone.
Something to think about.
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