Monday, May 09, 2005

And the morning follows

Quick mentions...

I really hurt from yesterday... but I was so excited about this damn cool move I learned that I had to show someone at the office.

She's come up to me twice now "That move looked so cool! you should show the other guys!"

Pain = Gain. I guess...

Seccond thing; I re-heard a saying I love.

Fear = false education appearing reall

Have a good evening!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hurt too. I threw my back at work last week. It still isn't feeling so great. :(
I also found out that a person should only be lifting 10% of their body I should only be lifting a maximum of maybe 15Ibs....and I'm lifting no less than 50Ibs to a maximum of 115Ibs on a daily basis... isn't that awesome?
I feel tough... sore, but tough.

You need to be on msn more...or email me.. I never hear from you :P

8:17 PM


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