Thursday, April 28, 2005

the girl in the mall

Went to the mall for lunch. Coincidently near a post-seccondary school. Usually some nice people to talk to around lunch time.

Saw this girl... all done up. Perfectly pencil thin eyebrows. Bright shiney red dress shirt with some black slacks, obviously tailored for her.

Sitting there. All alone.

I looked... and she looked back. Inviting; like she was a peacock with her feathers in the air trying to be picked up by the bestest male to come by (and yeah, I know that male peacock's have the colorfull feathers)

I'm like... uh... I don't think I can afford the maintenance plan (in my head) and walk right by.

Turning every once in a while... looking.

Sitting there. Above the rest... waiting. Watching all these couples... families.

*crazy laugh*

And I understand. Cause I feel like that. Sometimes, just sitting out in the sun trying to catch the bee with my colors. Not that I'm not good enough, but that my looks are so decieving about who I am... that behind this testosterone filled adrenalin drivin guy there is carefull thought, honest and pure emotion.

But like the masses, I just walk by. "that car costs too much for my budget" and look for the family sedan.


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