Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The white chocolate rose

This was after my first two girlfriends; Before any others.

I came home on valentines day; spent with a male friend of myne... partying I would guess. (I don't really remember too well)

Its 5am, walk to the front door and there is a white chocolate rose attached to an envelope in the mail box of my parents house.


Go down to my room, open the card. Inside, hand written is a poem (found it online; so it wasn't origional) signed "your secret admirer"

No capitals, obviously a self confidence issue. Looked to be harder pressed towards the end - emotional. (usually when writing, it gets lighter as the writer gets more tired and careless)

Scented (with a common female perfume), in female hand writing (that didn't match my mom's... no practical joke here).

Right handed. and thats all I could tell. I had suspicions of who it was but no one ever came forward and said "hey! I'm your secret admirer, wanna go for a bite?" And with the effort of dropping this off into my mailbox, it didn't matter who it was; I would have totally been for it, bought and a movie afterwards too... no matter status looks, size or personality.

My brother came home at 2, there wasn't anything in the mailbox then. (and he was a stoner, playing jokes like this doesn't occour to those types)

Makes me smile.

Many nights I stayed up thinking about it. Trying to read into who it was.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's sweet. But there's no point having a secret admirer if they don't leave you a way to find out who it is. :|
In my opinion anyway...

1:27 PM


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