Saturday, January 20, 2007

Awesome shirt ripping power

Its rather funny.

I've lost a bit of muscle since I was very physically active, but I'm not weak by any means.

Accompanied with this is my mind's stubborn notion that I'm stil capable of doing what I used to be able to do physically.

There was a time; recently where I needed my shirt off. Fast.

The girl straddling me was occupied with her own clothing; so i figured I should rip the shirt off my chest like the strapping lad I pictured me to be.

I pulled and pulled... nothing. No ripping sounds; no "I've almost got this ripped"... nothing.

I focused a crap-load of energy into my hands, figuring that would help. Nothing.

So we made due with my shirt on. No big deal.

Later; when I had a larger time frame to take said article of clothing off; I pulled on the collar to get it over my head... and it felt like the shirt dissolved in my hand. The collar came off clean and I was left with all sorts of bits of fabric in my hand.


anyone have shirt ripping experience?

I've ripped my share of fabric, but nothing every has happened before or since like that.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

A broken link

Strange... I've had a very deep link with a close friend for a very long time now.

I felt it being severed this morning.

I hate that feeling.

I hate doing it to others; I hate doing it to myself (both of which has happened a remarkable many times).

I've been very low all day. Feeling so down and tired; sad. Like a cornered animal looking at the door of freedom and not knowing what to do.

Just feeling the pure rush of energy... not having it being borrowed from from the source.

Very strange. To feel so good and bad at the same time.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Empty core

Something happened... this morning... last night.

I'm sitting here floating in the sea of a peacefully calm mind again. And how wonderfull it feels.

I felt some emotion last night and realised it was only something sitting on my surface again; that my depths weren't open for everything to come in - once again.

Deck the halls...

Ok; fortunately, I had bought the proper nair.

Thank you friends, a few of them (more than just budgie) were concerned for both my physical and mental health.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Too much sugar

I have so many stories; where to start?

How about start with the present and work my way past?

I went to costco the other day and picked up one of those rather moderate sized 'bake yourself' lasagna's. Cooked it up for supper (breakfast) today for me and the boys in my shack. Easily enough for 6 people, us three consumed it like no body's business.

And I havn't stopped eating since.

The directional hand's wife had baked up some Christmas goodies; which he promptly shared after dinner. Gave us a pan of 'peanut butter marshmallow' squares (my favorite). I've eaten almost 3/4 of the pan so far. Another 4 more squares and there won't be any more.

So I'm sitting here, moderately shaking from all of the sugar I've consumed and wondering why I'm feeling restless.


Leaving home.

I left for work friday morning. It was a good time to leave; I'd only been working 1 week stretches since mid November. Which is great... sorta.

You don't really have any big pay checks or any decent periods off. Both working too much and not enough.

Its hard on the mind; not sleeping enough and then getting too much sleep.

Consistency is something I was craving.


Thursday night I took out a new girl. I only had an hour or so; figured we'd meet for coffee or tea. An hour is more than enough time to get a feeling for chemistry - I figured.

Her story?

She's driving a slightly modified cavalier; one of those coffee can ehxausts, crome accents around the wheel wells. Gets out; you can hear the loud twang of country music.

I didn't need an hour.

She had spent 7 months of this year in the hospital from a head on with a drunk driver. Apperently both hands and feet suffered injury; neck and back damage. Wasn't bad looking (a cute cast to her face, a touch chesty - had that "I spent 7 months in the hospital" look around the mid section though.)

Starbucks was closing so we walked across the street to a Keg for cocktails or something.

We chose this little spot; up against the wall. A short table and coumfortable chairs made it feel like we were on a talk show. I was the host.

45 minutes passed without incident. A few hot chocolates (a glass of wine for the lady) and some garlic bread.

*smile* I was tired so I called the night early. My last night of life before going into the patch for a month or two.

Good thing lunch was tasty!

Speaking about which...


A very good friend of mine lead me to this little soup place for lunch.

A literal hole in the wall establishment; 3 varieties of soup and a handfull of freshly made desserts.

Worth every cent. And twice that. Her sitting on the window sill; me sitting on a small stool happily eating our lunch in the mid afternoon sun.

I was in an off mood; I had been like that all day. You know how it can be raining all day, how that rain lets up for an hour or two, a pause to give praise to the sun?

Thats what lunch was. Something simple. Shared company. A sunny break to interrupt my grump.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Ice Cream

an update - Operation Home Made Ice Cream

I did a little research and picked up an ice cream maker for myself. One of these little stainless steel models.

Got the recipie for the afformentioned pumpkin ice cream from my chef friend. Managed to bungle my way through to the end and let the ingredients sit in the machine for a half hour. (not the 20 minutes as advertised... I didn't let the anaglaise chill in the fridge long enough - got impatient - I just rammed it all in the machine and let it chill the good way.)

And sure enough... its Ice Cream!

The pumpkin puree I grabbed (local grocerie store brand) is a little chunkie. I'll have to blend it next time. And the pot I used to scald the cream was teflon... and the wisk was the steel variety... so there may be small teflon particles in my ice cream. ( I call it a feature) I used a little too much of some stuff; not enough others... which will all be fixed in version 2. Other than that... a blinding success.

Stage 3 - sharing it with another person.

Wish me luck.



So I was doing some brainstorming a little while back... and I figured that it would be an adventure if I attempted to use Nair on some... unmentionable areas... of my body.

That being a guy, my attention span isn't long enough to properly trim specific things. Eventually I start taking short cuts or thinking about something else; all of a sudden, the scissors or shaver gets a little too close... use your imagination.

So I've been looking for creative ways to not have that happen.

Different trimming techniques and so on.


So I've heard some bad things. That it can 'irritate' some skin, potentially that it could cause a minor chemical burn (which I don't want on my balls... thank you very much!)

I picked up this 'sensitive skin / corse hair' bottle; it looks like exactly what i want.

To start; I figured I would remove the hair from the back of a hand. If my hand gets irritated; no big deal. It'll heal pretty fast. And there is hair there. Not like eyebrow hair, but soft smooth thin hair. This should be a good test.

Applied the nair; waited 6 minutes (as directed) took a damp cloth and wiped it off. Perfect skin, (not even dry!) no hair. Tadaa!

Stage 2. I waited until my roomate was sent out on a job. (Just incase this ends up with a naked man running around the house screaming. Don't want stories about that being spread around.) And naired one side of a potentially sensitive area. Jumped in the shower and sprayed it off.

Ok; so Nair (I found out) needs to be scraped off for the hair to be removed properly.

Other than that; it looks like I have about 50% hair removal in the applied area. I'm giving it a few days, to see if its sensitive or feels like its been burned in general; but so far everything looks good.

If this tests perfect; I think I should be good to apply a little more liberally and let sit for a little longer.

I'll keep you all posted.

Monday, January 01, 2007

New years!

Well happy new years to everyone out there!

I hope you all had a good party last night and let 2006 out of your system.

I sure did!

Actually; I think the new years eve party represented everything that I didn't want to hold onto this year. It worked out quite well.

The party I was committed to go to didn't sell tickets at the door. So I turned around, found the nearest bar and danced for a few hours.

It wasn't spectacular, but I got a midnight kiss.

Something that I havn't accomplished in several years. (stupid girlfriends - we always break up before new years. What the crap is that!?!)

This morning (new years day!) I woke up, feeling like week old re-heated pizza.

Must have been an allright night.

Get the word out

So I've decided that Cute has been used too much.

Rugged... thats a good word.

Rugged is to become the new cute.

You know how we're all looking for someone out going, someone who wants to take life by the horns?

Well that person is 'rugged'. Thusly cute.

So; all my readers... (I'm sure there is more than 1... well... moderately sure) compliment someone this year, call them rugged but mean cute. We're going to spread this out.