Ice Cream
an update - Operation Home Made Ice Cream
I did a little research and picked up an ice cream maker for myself. One of these little stainless steel models.
Got the recipie for the afformentioned pumpkin ice cream from my chef friend. Managed to bungle my way through to the end and let the ingredients sit in the machine for a half hour. (not the 20 minutes as advertised... I didn't let the anaglaise chill in the fridge long enough - got impatient - I just rammed it all in the machine and let it chill the good way.)
And sure enough... its Ice Cream!
The pumpkin puree I grabbed (local grocerie store brand) is a little chunkie. I'll have to blend it next time. And the pot I used to scald the cream was teflon... and the wisk was the steel variety... so there may be small teflon particles in my ice cream. ( I call it a feature) I used a little too much of some stuff; not enough others... which will all be fixed in version 2. Other than that... a blinding success.
Stage 3 - sharing it with another person.
Wish me luck.
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