Friends and impressions
Its strange; when you connect with someone; how they think of you becomes your reality.
Let me try to explain this a little better.
There's this little cutie I have a little bit of feeling for. I've created this connection between us and now; whenever I feel that link; I turn into another person.
Its the strangest feeling; the strangest thing. Somehow I turn into a relationship-idiot.
I know what to say around women. I know how to look, how to act, how to speak. But I feel forced to say things; to do things.
You know the movie Hitch (with Willie Smith?)... do you remember when Will got snubbed by that sorta cute girl?
He was all possessive and obsessive, saying all the wrong things at the wrong time. Made her feel just... suffocated.
Thats me! That is soo me. I can't believe some of the stuff that happens, some of the things that come out of my mouth; some of the things that I email out. I feel like someone who'se had a stroke.
Sitting in this busted ass body/mind - able to write books of eloquence, poetry about what I see and hear... and when i attempt to verbalise it; all I can do is repeat one word over and over again cause I just had a friggain stroke and I'm all busted. and busted sucks. Let me tell you that.
Like seriously.
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