Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Funny Story...

This is the block heater cable from my truck.

why is it laying on the floor of my shack?

This wonderfull -38 degree morning, my truck wouldn't start. Which struck me as strange; seeing as she's been plugged in for the last 5 days.

So I did a little investigation; and found that not only is the cable I've plugged in just dangling uselessly, but various cables attaching to my block are also unplugged.

I figure the battery was frozen. It was clicking, but not turning over. The 3 directional hands on shift all had different thoughts; my trainee (who has his masters in electrical engineering) also had his own idea about the problem.

5 guys - 5 ideas. Which means, when you pursue one path; 4 guys figure your wrong and very vocally inform you of that fact.

Long story short; batteries warm up by themselves if they are being charged; so we boosted off another truck for a half hour and my girl fired up like a hot damn.


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