Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Funny Story...

This is the block heater cable from my truck.

why is it laying on the floor of my shack?

This wonderfull -38 degree morning, my truck wouldn't start. Which struck me as strange; seeing as she's been plugged in for the last 5 days.

So I did a little investigation; and found that not only is the cable I've plugged in just dangling uselessly, but various cables attaching to my block are also unplugged.

I figure the battery was frozen. It was clicking, but not turning over. The 3 directional hands on shift all had different thoughts; my trainee (who has his masters in electrical engineering) also had his own idea about the problem.

5 guys - 5 ideas. Which means, when you pursue one path; 4 guys figure your wrong and very vocally inform you of that fact.

Long story short; batteries warm up by themselves if they are being charged; so we boosted off another truck for a half hour and my girl fired up like a hot damn.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Basic Instinct

I was out for dinner with a friend. We came to talking about people's basic instinct of protection.

How the subconcious activates hormones; adrenals and other exciting things to provide the body with the tools it needs to protect itself in dangerous situations.

And this got me thinking.

To measure the capabilities of a man; you progressively expose him to situations incrementally worse in nature. When his subconcious instinctively fires its defenses; you know the level "emergency" holds in his mind; where something a little above becomes "over his head".

Why do I say this?

There have been situations where I've broken my cool. Where I allow my temperature to rise and break and I turn into the me thats only concerned with seeing tomorrow.

And the revelation that this is my measure comes as a shock. And a relief.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

So cool its hot

Here's a pic I shot this morning of my shack's temperature gauge.

And yeah; its accurate. We dropped to -41 last night, which (funny enough) isn't that fun to work in.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Dinner and a comedy show


I went out for dinner with a trio of friends. Two of us added a year of success to our lives this morning (B-Day's) and are celebrating that fact.

As I smashed my truck this morning and was busy tap dancing at the office, attempting to not get fired; I didn't have transportation and was very late for dinner.

Amazingly enough; not only were my friends sympathetic; but supportive and understanding. Never mind the amazing company; my beautifull date; the wonderfull dinner (with an amazing dessert) or the wickedly funny comedians, The patience my friends showed was enough to bring tears of joy to my eyes.


The first Skiing of the year.

Went snowboarding on friday of last week.

It was super fantastic awesome. My roomate and I were only out for 4 hours; but still! I think I'm really starting to get a handle on this whole snowboarding thing.

I only fell 3 times (which is a reccord for me!) and managed to get in quite alot of transitions from heels to toes.

Its just a local (huge ass) ravine thats been setup with chair lifts and all the skiing accessories a person could desire. (T-Bar's, tow ropes, chalet with kitchen... etc.) And really is too small with poor conditions for a person to have an amazing time; but for beginners or addicts its just about right.

I ended up buying myself (for my upcoming birthday! well; upcoming at that point, allready passed now) some new snow pants from a cometition / custom sports wear supplier. Apperently they only go by word of mouth, i just happened to be with a person who needs a custom pair (cause his thigh is 38 inches; thats 6 inches larger than my waist... he's also 6'7") and I modeled what they had in store.

Enjoyed it so much; I was happy to part with the $200 to take them on my upcoming snow adventure.

After skiing (snowboarding, but snowboarding has too many sylabels, thus skiing) my roomie and I went out to montana's for a pre-movie bite to eat.

Its the weekend Casino Royale comes out; as you would expect, the movie theater is just a mass of people. We get to the restraunt with a deadline; order an app and 2 main couses. Its 10 minutes before we have to leave when the app finaly comes out.

Cancelled the order for everything else. (Of course)

The manager came over (and after several minutes of plesantries) and informed us that whatever we consumed tonight was on the house. That if we could come back before they closed (which was impossible at the time) or the next day (which would be difficult at best; as its a half hour drive through traffic that licks balls) we would get the missed entries on the house as well.

I'm impressed by that. And I eat out alot! (I've owned/lived in my house for 7 months now and havn't bought any groceries) Thus, thought I was immune to being impressed by service.

Mr. roomate went ahead into the theater and I proceeded to lineup for concession.

20 minutes later; I find out my consession coupons (purchased through the automatic movie ticket dispenser) are valid at the other counter (with an entirely seperate lineup) and not at this one.

That to negotiate, the guy would have to find a manager and that may just take longer than the movie is playing.

I settled for a few hot dogs and hot dog accessories and called her good.

The movie (the Departed) was phenominal, the food... less than satisfactory.

All in all; two thumbs up for friday.

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The Truck!

I smashed my truck.

On my birthday morning; I backed into a light post.

This is the seccond "light post" incident involving my poor truck this month.

As you would expect; work wasn't overly impressed (as its a company truck). But hey! I still have my job and my health. If you can say that with a straight face, life can't be all that bad.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006



First things first, I was at a body reading seminar last weekend. Very interesting stuff.

I learned that when reading a body; if a person's bum is like a little shelf; that person is very self possessed. (selfish; snobish; self comes first) If a person's bum is in the center; with no shelf on top or bottom; they could either go both ways or are balanced. And you guessed it! If a person looks like their bum is sitting on a shelf; they're very nurturing or mother like.

Apperently; same thing goes for their nipple placement. If the nips poke up, self centered. If they poke down; motherly. If they're in the middle poking horizontal style; their either both or none.

This revolutionizes my system of thought entirely!



I was out tonight with a beautifull friend; she turned to me and asked "did you get everything you wanted for your birthday?"

And it took a few minutes for that to really sink in.

There has been an awe-inspiring amount of drama in my life lately; and I don't think I'd give up any of it for the world. (by awe-inspiring, I mean a "17 year old girl" level of drama)

So here is a shout out to my friends.

Thank you; for being you.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


I think that maybe the laws which govern life and energy flow are alot more simple than I want them to be.

this ... difference between reality and perception makes some things a lot more difficult than it really is.

Sunday, November 12, 2006


It snows here every day.

*smile* I just got my truck cleaned off when it started snowing again.

So I'll wait a bit, let things accumulate... then start the cycle all over again.

My friend from last post; asked when the last time was I'd looked at the world without my glasses on.

My psychic conversation with that girl left me quite strange; i havn't returned to reality land yet. Which is very strange; I've always been a little cookey but these last few days have been exceptions to the rule.

And maybe thats what I'm doing. Not applying my lenses to life. When I switched from glasses to contacts; everything I've seen has been "sharp" and "clear". When your wearing glasses, there's a stark reality present. That your looking through something to see. The real world; the foggy world exists at the edge of everything... only you cheat it by applying glass to your surface. With contacts in, that world doesn't exist. At least until you have to take them out before bed and put them in in the morning.

Maybe thats why I havn't had my eyes surgeried. Because I still havn't come to accept that the foggy world is reality and what I see is an adjustment to it. That I can still step into foggy land when I want to; surgery would leave that all behind.

Me being out in this snow covered landscape; like a burn victum sitting in a sterile oxygen chamber; maybe I've removed myself from the toxins of the city (being other people) to let my skin heal.

Which is strangely fitting; that when I'm all healed up, I'll have to step out of this landscape and return to the penny pinching, noise filled, stress laden environment I used to call home and remember what I have to do to cope again.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Throwing away

A friend talked to me; two nights ago.

Funny enough; everything he said that is going to happen in my life; emotional things I'm going to do... etc. Either have just happened or are slowly playing out.

Its strange. When hearing some of these things from someone else, they seem very different than what I see them as when looking through my eyes.

His main point; was that inside me, I have this little child. Who looks with wonder and amazement at everything I'm doing; but still laughs.

Laughs at me, at my surroundings. Things like the money I make; are made trivial by this little kid who has no use for money. Things like this power to manipulate; don't become subjects for my ego or ambition, cause a kid has no need to do that... just to live and play.

He told me that I'll be presented with a choice, to either keep that kid or throw him away.

That I throw alot away in my life; i don't need anyone. Friends i keep are for reasons other than the desire to have friends.

And its true. I've thrown away so many people.

He just let me know that if I throw away the little boy in my head; two things will happen.

That as I'm a person who can do... anything; I'll become widely successfull. That he'd expect to some day open a news paper and see my picture in it. The little boy doesn't need money; thus I don't care to reach for success.

And that him and I won't have much of a link anymore. That I won't have a use for him in my life and he'll be left behind.


My friend was; upset when he said this. He wanted to let me know that he likes my friendship in his life; that loosing me would hurt him very badly.

There was more; so much more... but that essence has gotten me thinking.

Psychic sendings

So I just had my first psychic conversation with myself.

I was chatting with a friend online; trying to help her with relationship dilemma's. And I realised that i was hearing the answers to my questions in my head before she was typing them.

So I started asking questions; and typing her answers for her.

It was cool. the "in my head" answers were way more clear and concise; and often contained information that you wouldn't just ... tell someone. Ya know? things that need to be dragged out; thousands of minute confessions all contained in a simple thought.

It was weird; an hour of it gave me this wicked headache; something I'm gonna have to sleep off pretty soon.

But still; a neat step.

Friday, November 03, 2006

A trail

upon deciding to come to this world; we don't necessarily determine the course of our life... just seeds are laid.

Seeds to grow into a trail... like little flags along the way; bread crumbs of decisions... where you can become someone; or someone else.