Thursday, September 28, 2006

Reading and more

In my effort of education; I've been pouring over books. Every hitch (over the last 6 months) I brought out a dozen or so books; and seem to come home with twice that. Sorta mixing half/half educational books with the fantasy stuff I so love to read.

I'm slowly programming my mind by encouraging its read of the current 'fact laden' book by putting a little treat (the fantasy to follow) afterwards.

Right now I'm reading "Blink; the power of thinking without thinking". About half way done, its a very good read. Early on, the author establishes a theory/principle and slowly builds its credibility throughout the novel.

So far; very impressed with what it has to say.

I've been trying to get through "Influence; the psychology of persuasion" for the last month.

This author (I guess) is trying to mirror the argument style of the last. Unfortunately, he's having a little difficulty. He jumps around a little much in his stories and often claims to make a new point when only using different words to describe the same point he's continuously been making.


I've been trying to 'sprout' almonds. A friend of myne (recently moved away) came to the office one day with a bag of sprouted nuts. Little chutes from the almonds and everything... and they tasted amazing!

Unfortunately, my first attempt didn't appear to work out. (had to eat them all this morning!) So I'll have to get some more 'natural' almonds and make another go at it. Anyone out there know about sprouting nuts?


So I'm on my rig again for another 30 days. *sigh*

But but but... adventures to be had out here. The directional hand, who doesn't seem to get along with anyone; threw me the keys to his quad the other day. I looked bewildered.

I had never ridden a quad before.

No big deal; he said. "Just open the throttle and it goes forward." And off I went. *smile*

needless to say; it was wicked fun.


Right now I'm watching this burning fire sun-rise. The clouds are bright red as the sun's coming over the horizon. This being seen through autum's brilliant trees. Beautifull enough; that I snapped a pic and included it below!

So yeah! I made sure to include my rig (on the left) and some trees I enjoy watching throughout the day. The pic's not the best, apperently small apeture digital cameras don't take the best low lighting photos... but thats cool.

From the Reiki course afformentioned; I purchased this.... attunement CD. Its 45 minutes of harmonics (the best way to describe it). If you took a crystal goblet and ran your finger across the rim, the powerfull sound it creates... listen to that for 45 minutes. (with some tastefull pink noise thrown in the background; water running, rain falling etc.)

Its strange. Almost a feeling of joy or extacy you feel when listening to it. (its supposed to 'assist' your brain into a theta-wave pattern... though my understanding was that theta = dreamless sleep... but thats ok.) But the feeling transends your ability to feel. You don't feel good... or bad... you don't really ... feel anything. *smile*

an update?

An update for all my blogging friends... *smile* and real life friends just checkin' up on me.

So a few weekends ago I found this energy workshop for Tibetan Reiki. Which is cool; I've never taken any reiki stuff before but upon reading just knew I was going to be there.

Emailed the instructor and apperently the pre-req's are Usui Reiki levels 1,2 and 3/mastery. *sigh* but I called her up and expressed a little 'intent' and got admitted without much difficulty.

First off; what a rush. It was a one day seminar; like 6 hours or so. I walked in feeling out of balance and drained. Left feeling charged and pumped. Able to do anything!

There were 12 women; 2 men. One of the men was an instructor. *sigh* I don't remember being exposed to that much estrogin in a day. But all is well.

In the process of attunement; I was balanced, some of my more stubborn centers were flushed a little more. All in all; very productive.

Needless to say, I'm going to go back and take whatever else this group has to offer. I loved the very positive group, the loving atnosphere and the wonderfull people.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Its strange.

I've held many people while they've cried. Usually its a surface sadness. A good clean cry fixes it right up and your good for another bit.

But whats got me right now is strange. Crying with this isn't therapy, its a temporary relief of pressure; just going to build right back up again and you know there's nothing to be done about it.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

the psychic warning

I've started referring to energy work as "using my other senses".

And funny enough; the things I see/feel/hear with my other senses are changing drastically.

I used to be able to connect with a friend/lover really easily over long distances and almost pickup images from their minds. Now... its a little harder. I can still feel, but its just different.

So I started meditating at least 20 minutes a day last week; I don't know if things are shifting or not... but I've been having alot of "moments of realisation".

And my latest?!?

A psychic once told me that I would get divorced because I would assume my wife doesn't love me... almost like I would just naturally believe that things are worse than they are.

Which... strangely enough; was the only thing I couldn't swallow of the whole exchange.

But sure as shit, I finally understand and think I'm doing that to a friend right now.

So... a shout out; if you will.

To the universe and that psychic. Thanks for the heads up.

Saturday, September 02, 2006


And as you can tell; I appreciate smart people a hell of alot more than idiots.

Thats the few things that I'm looking for in friends and a Girl (and also why I go through girls like T-Shirts). Energetic compatibility; the want to look outside their box... and that raw intelligence which is so damn hard to find.

And the stupid shal inherit the earth!

So yeah... first off; I'm real pleased with my spammers. *smile* means I'm big enough to attract attention I guess.

I got a new trainee. The last one had an "under developed attitude". I love playing people.

The directional hand has acknowledged me as the "power" behind the scenes. He's the yippy one, I'm his friend who he figures will back him up if he gets in a jam.

He's supplying the freezies and makes taco's for me every week, I guess I'd do a bit for a person willing to put that much effort into being my friend.

Unfortunately; compared with my last trainee... this new guy is a friggain genious. He's eger, enthusiastic and has 2 years working other tools (for our company) and 5 years working similar tools (for another company) under his belt. So I only need to show him something once and he jumps on it with both feet.

So Mr. Grumpy is trying to deflame him in my perspective. I guess to become the "beta male" once again.

I've been reading all about stuff like this in some very well written books lately; seeing it in action just makes me smile.