dreaming Continued!
Ok; so the first gate of dreaming is pretty easy.
The catch is... not to just have seen your hands, but to be in a dream and be able to look at your hands at will. To have the will to look at your hands.
So that you see them every night.
The progression from that is to look from your hands to an object. Just glance at that object; then at your hands.
To be able to will yourself to look at your hands when you start dreaming every night and use that as a "point of entry" into consistant lucid dreaming. When you start getting caught up in events of a dream; to look at your entry point to regain concious (lol... well... unconcious) control.
Glancing at more and more items in your dreams between hand looking; so that eventually you don't really need to see your hands at all.
The Seccond gate (if you've allready done and have been doing that consistantly) is to be in one setting of your dream and then to be able to either a) have a dream within a dream (ie. to close your dream eyes; or to fall asleep inside a dream - creating a seccond dream) or b) to look at something far off and change the setting of your dream; or to conjure another setting and make it what your dreaming about. (instead of playing by the dream rules and just... walking somewhere else)
Can you do these? (I can't! but its said that females are infinantly better at dreaming than men)