Tuesday, October 11, 2005

changover part 100

Still working on changing over my job to my 'replacement'.

Its sorta exciting, to offer him all the informaiton that I never had when I started... but my boss is saying that the 'process' of finding the information is somewhat important. So I guess its sorta good that I didn't give much notice.

We're coming down to d-day with this new job... no word on success or failure (regarding the medical information) and if my current course of action fails, I'm not quite sure whats available.

But I'm sure you all are familiar with doing stupid things and jumping off cliffs.

Out of town tomorrow with mini-me to introduce him to the gang. I'm sure everything with go just fine.


Thanksgiving - so I think I'm thankfull. Funny enough though, went to thanksgiving with the family and they all knew that I quit my old job (cause I'm working for my uncle I'd guess) for a new pursuit. All the family is excited for me. Like sending a kid into the Army back when that was cool.

I'm going to the front lines mom!

Alot of family over the weekend, and other than that (and a brief movie with the girl) I really did nothing.

Which was great.

Look at me... its almost 4:00 and I'm not completely exhausted. I could use a slurpie though.

Gonna do my best at class tonight.

I've sorta figured that cutting clean all of my old hobbies, all of my manurisms and my styles, my friends and my life; well... it feels very good. Especially since everyone is so excited for me and helping me do it.

If they were stubborn and didn't wanna let go, I'm sure this would be all a different story.

Maybe I feel like that 18 year old girl who is finally moving out on her own. (like in.. uh.. coyote ugly or... uh... a movie that didn't suck)


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