Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Tim Hortons Camp

Last weekend... Timmies Camp.

And it was good.

Showed up with my backpack full of goodies. Some suprises I can setup in a hurry incase this is a "get the ninja to the mountains and beat the hell out of him" type of thing. Some other treats I can use if needed to be a supervisor for whatever reason.

(things include several ultra-sharp knives, some tripline etc. trail tape, first aid kit full of goodies... etc. not to mention pretty much everything i would need to survive in the mountains for a few days if I was hiding from a band of hunters)

First off... I discovered a few things to add to my E&E kit (Escape and Evasion) which were needed in basic living. But forgetting that; it was a wonderfully pleasant weekend.

We went paddleboating, for a hike along a white water river; Had amazing food (lasagna, pizza, chicken burgers... to name a few) and at the end was scheduled a talent show. Just so we can share vulnerabilities I guess.

I did a ninjutsu demonstration... throwing around some volunteers like ragdolls for a half hour. Was very well received.

In the mornings we smudged, had a first nation round dance with a very renouned singer to provide the motivation.

It was a massivly spiritual experiance; not only did I have fun but I managed to save a life as well.

It was nothing... like really, nothing. I just pulled a lady from a lake. But apperently, it ment a large deal to her. I was touched... soo many people said Thank You. So many people were nice.

Once again, I feel human.

(not to mention some of the stuff I brought was put to good use by the other councelors).

Oh yeah! The kids all treated me as a Supervisor. Funny because I was ardently denying it the whole time... but I ended up coaching, approving and offering advice... so I guess I was a councelor in all sence of the word.

I love being me.


Blogger Budgie said...

it was just a rant. It probably didn't come out as clear as I wanted it to.

regardless...abortion = bad

5:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi. Since this is your lastest blog entry I'll leave this comment here. I really like what I've read, and I've read all of it (I think). Have an awesome day, and dont forget to smile.

9:44 PM


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