The wicked shall perish
Brought my girlfriend out to ninjutsu last night... I think it was a positive experiance.
After class, for the post-mortem; stopped by Tim Hortons.
Grabbed a table, waited for food... same same as always; Sat down, noticed that there were a mess of napkins on the floor.
While discussing whatever we were discussing, I happend to use a bad word. When I said it, the whole table next to me stopped their conversation and stared at me. Like I had done something wrong.
When we were leaving; I see these napkins on the ground - so I pick them up. A simple act that takes no time. Clearly the counter people are just too busy to do it them selves. No biggie.
It isn't until now that I see a fundamental hiding in what I saw.
I would assume that these old people were religious.
This is based on that assumption - the stereo type old person. (yeah, they weren't that old... but still)
Its easy to condem what someone else does. But hard to do something yourself. Those napkins were sitting there for at least an hour; had been stepped on several times. No one stopped to pick them up.
But the one person who is willing and able; the people who would condem him directly benifit from his actions.
I think its this whole... "someone else's job" mentality.
Taking care of me? thats God's job. Keeping the floor's tidy at Tim Hortons - thats the manager's job; thats the employee's job.
I see this every where I go. People not bothing to help them self or others.
I'm sick so I see the doctor. I'll just take these pills, the doctor did his job so my sickness will dissapear.
What about taking care of yourself... so you don't get sick? So when you go for your checkup... the doc says things like "you just have to decrease your iron intake slightly and your tip top!" Easy things.
What about cleaning the floor so when the employee comes by; all he has to do is mop... not pickup a dozen trays, all the napkins that some brat has stuck to the floor with his pop spill-stepped in shoes.
Just a thought.
I'm the same way in that regard. Often times, I'll clean up not only my mess, but someone else's as well. Having worked retail, you get an appreciation for things in their place and being neat and tidy for others. That extends to outside the retail environment as well.
you get my drift :P
10:27 AM
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