Thursday, August 18, 2005


Whats with the weather lately?

Its been 5 degrees Celcius every morning for the last week and a half... for those not from here; thats 15-20 degrees lower than it should be.

I remember when young, not being able to stand on the deck because the wood absorbed all the sun and was too hot to touch... for like the whole month of august. Being able to ride my bike until late October wherever I wanted to go and not being that cold doing it.

Now... I almost lost a testicle last night. Too cold by a long shot.

Its funny... with all this talk about global warming; we seem to be getting colder and colder.

Perhaps this is representative of the weather cycle we're supposed to be going through or something. That we get slow gradual "shitty" summer/winter for a few years then hot ones after.

I dunno; but I don't like it.


Blogger Ms. Poshlust said...

*groan* I can't believe I'm coming back to that! It's 35 degrees here today.. and being used to 45, we're all feeling a little cold! I will be taking donations of body heat when I return.

10:43 PM

Blogger Budgie said...

"I almost lost a testicle last night"

I'm sorry...that's just too funny.
It made my day :P

8:53 AM


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