Thursday, August 04, 2005

So much to say

Stories; so many stories.

I'm bubbling with things to discuss and talk about... they're all so... me; not 'this me' but 'that me'... the me that doesn't exist here.


First off; I was called a guru today at the office by one of the senior engineers.

Which was amazing to say the least. A grumpy old man (god bless his soul) who loves to rag on people calls me a guru. (I believe computer guru was the implecation)

Work is going well; I'm enjoying my days.

As half the office is on vacation, things are running smoothly; network speed is up. As that, my stocks are up. People are happy with me.

I had a good sit down with my friend tonight. We discussed all manner of things under the sun.

He 'bubbled' me at class tonight. Had me demonstrate a technique infront of the whole class... and it went on and on and on. I couldn't get it.

My defenses were alot better than last time this happened; but I was still useless.

there came a point when I recognised that I was being "confusion" bubbled. That I need to burn away the fog before I can do anything. Did that a little bit, but it wasn't fog so my application of fire didn't work as expected.

I almost broke another student after pairing up again. A few things clicked so very solidly that it was scary to move afterwards.


Ran into a guy at the office today; looked familiar.

I said hello in a knowing manner; shook his hand. It was good to see him; but he wasn't wearing his standard sweater, had lost some weight and this was in a different world of myne so I didn't immediately make that connection.

I used to deal in a casino... blackjack among games. Was very fun... this guy that works for a 'competing' engineering firm (which we work with from time to time) was one of my regulars; hadn't seen him in 2 or 3 years.

Nice to know people appreciated you in the past.


Among other things. I have more to say, but they go under other headings.


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