Wiccians, christians and bears Oh My!
A girl I'm becoming friends with is a Wiccian.
I've heard alot of very interesting perspectives on that faith but nothing I can really credit as 'factual' or even 'knowledgable' so asked a few friends on the topic.
To start with - if you've read a few of my 'far out' posts, you'll realise my religious leanings are muddled at best. The things I've done either indicate that I'm a child of god, a natural paladin of some order or would condem me as a heretic.
Which is too bad... but whatever.
I asked a very christian co-worker (whom I trust a touch more than the rest of the world as to insight and beliefs - though a little over zelous, some of the thought paths he walks are similar to my own) about his experiance with Wiccians.
He recently shot me a document referencing to this article - "What You Should Know About Witchcraft"
While interesting, it appears to have the common flaw (which I've seen over and over again) of quoting its source to create validity in its source. Essentially saying "I'm right because I say I'm right and I've said it before you said I was wrong."
The only catch, is that everything "God" and "Bible" related essentially states "if your doing something not in my name, your evil. If your doing something in my name your good." (sure thats very simplified; but still... the message is the same)
So much so; the bible is saying that all other communication with the spirit relm; all learning and discovery is wrong and thus forbidden.
This results in the mentality of "you either believe or you don't. If you believe then looking to confirm your belief is wrong. If you don't believe your going to hell anyway so look all you want."
Another interesting perspective - brought to me by my good friend who's traveling through India and its surrounding area;
Thank-You Sri Lanka
Please make your way to the bottom of her article (or even peruse her blog... her writing is very refreshing) and find the last 7 paragraphs. Read them quite intensively.
"Now - here comes the stickler - Sri Lanka is 75 Buddhist.. And India is 80% Hindu.
Could it be that religion is at the crux of the incredible divergence of these two countries?"
She compares India (which she has been living in for the last 4 or so months) to Sri Lanka (which she is visiting). That the population density and characteristics are quite similar; seperated only by religious belief.
Over the next few days/weeks, I'm going to open my mind up to the possibility that our religion determins how we live; that our capitalistic mentality isn't brought about by our politica but by what we pray to and hope for.
Perhaps the corruption we life in is a result of the corruption in our minds? (by corruption, I refer to our political lifestyle, the drama that plagues every workplace. The 60-100 hour work week, the deteroration of our family unit, the growing stupidity we bathe in... etc.) Perhaps the happiness I experiance on a day to day basis... the beautifull way of life I enjoy is a result of my community's belief.
wow...that's a lot of writing. I'll re read it over the next couple of days when I catch up on my sleep and I'm not running on coffee and red bull and I'll let you know if I think of something at least semi-intelligent to say.
But don't hold your breath. These 9 hour days are hard...next week when the 13 hour days start...its going to be brutal. :(
6:44 PM
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