Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Online dating. I love it.

Just added someone to my msn; havn't seen a picture yet but she sounds sorta... desperate. Figured maybe she's sick or something and just came across wrong.

Did the ol' recon and find in her profile this quote. (oh yeah... and a really ugly picture too)

"Beauty is only skin deep so i think that it is time to stop discriminating people no matter in what shape they come in. It is only what is inside the person that counts. "


Seriously... what the hell. Did you know that 75% of stupid people are too stupid to know how stupid they are? 75% WOW! I guess a significant portion of those are bad looking people and instead of accepting what they have and emphasizing their strong points; they have to complain about the weak points.

I hate complainers. Ugly's I only find minorly irritating (which can be worked around) ... but complainers I can't stand.


Blogger SK said...

Thank You Capt'ns for the encouragement. -The mumbler.

10:19 AM


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