Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Has it been touched?

I think it was "heisenberg's uncertanty principle" that stated this the best.

For those of you blissfully unaware; the uncertanty principal states that of particularely small things (like electrons) you can either know the velocity or the direction, but not both. Measuring the direction of an electron alters the velocity and measuring the velocity alters the direction.

This was best stated in my grade 9 (or so) textbook where a hypothesis questions if you put a cat into a perfectly sealed box; if it remains a cat, or only becomes a cat when you open the box again.

Your uncertain because you can't put measuring equipment in the box, it won't have the same conditions and the cat will just remain a cat.

(Like the light in your fridge... does it stay on when the fridge is closed?)

I was chillin with a friend last night; sorta mentioning giving someone a mind-job.

I of course said "only when you suspect someone's playing a game is that person not playing; when you don't suspect thats when they're likely to be playing"

I didn't think that made alot of sence, so I figured I would speak a little about that topic today.

The best way to adjust someone else's way of thinking / actions is by taking something thats allready there and adding a little to it or subracting from it. This way, they think its their idea. Their impulse to do what they're doing... not something you've said/done.

Yeah, its rather underhanded... but sometimes you have to do things in specific ways to get the results that follow the best natural flow. (yeah... I dunno how to say it.)

Example; Lets say a chick is seriously into me. Like really into me... won't leave me alone. Way 1) tell her "I don't want you"... this has problems. You clash with her perception of the way things are in such a way that she can easily think your lying.

Way 2) adjust her way of thinking so she wants you less. This one is the easiest... because you know what emotions she is using to connect to you. You know where it is, because its connected to you... like your arm. Where's your hand? right here... duh.

My above mentioning is due to the idea that if your monkeying with someone's mind... even if you tell them "I'm just messing with you" they shouldn't believe you. Either that; or you completely mess up what your trying to do... likely any relationship you have with that person.

Yeah... I'm not going to tell you how... only what.

Gotta put a and z together for yourself.

Happy Hunting!


Blogger Budgie said...

Meh. I'm trying to look at things objectively. It's food for thought anyway.

I've decided that I'm just going to remove myself from that situation entirely.
And on further reflection... Im alright with that.

10:56 PM


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