Saturday, July 09, 2005

Car show

So I'm at this car show.

Its awesome; all these pimped out cars; filled with enough custom parts to build a completely new vehicle (and have some to spare).

It was pretty nice; of course I was there for the breakdancing competition.

To tell you the truth, I'm sorta getting tired of watching these guys perform. Not really making new routines; not really pushing themselves past their status quo.

I'm hungry but like a guy from the "unicorn power force" said "I'm just here to dance!"

I think these prizes, these competitions are just so the bboys can find smart ways to get other people to give them money.

yeah; so awesome guys, awesome cars.

the only thing that really dissapointed me was the women.

True there were alot of scantly clad skinney girls with big... ... brains. But seriously; I don't think I'm really interested in touching something like that.

I'vs seen strippers (and hookers) with more style and less makeup.

And of course during the show; these girls all run outside for a smoke... *cough* fuck.

I dunno why I feel like I do. Al the guys were drooling over these high prices pin up model esque girls... but I just wanted someone real. I dunno.

Enough times I've seen people pretend to be who they are that its starting to get on my nerves.


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