Thursday, August 11, 2005

Busy like a bee

So lemmie give a little recap as to my last few (and upcoming few) weeks.

Between work, ninjutsu, breakdancing, helping a friend with his Truck project and working with a team to design project management software; I barely have any time to myself for my thoughts.

*smile* never mind my girlfriend; which I take time from all the above to be with. (which is for me... my time I would call it)

Other than that, nothing out of the ordinary. I got knee'd in the face at ninja class tonight; lightly hit someone in the balls, felt my shoulder and elbow pop... then slammed onto the floor repeatedly for an hour or so. (my back hurts)

I call that fun I guess.

Went with the girl to pool last night.

Which I rather enjoyed. During; she indicated that she wasn't very fond of pool. I sorta hope we can go again to play; but I guess the last thing men need in a relationship is competition. (depending I would guess) I think I won more than I lost (don't care)... but found her to be one of those "I'm gonna try this and I'm gonna make it damn-it!" people instead of "I can't".

The former I love, the latter I hate. (yeah... to me "I can't" is the worst, most unatractive thing I can hear). Very pleased, very impressed.


So I'm gonna try to take it a little easier this weekend... sleep a lil more... stuff like that.


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