Friday, August 12, 2005


In one of the bathrooms at my office, there are magazines.

This is your standard doctors fair of Mags... looking at 1-2 year old issues of Motortrend, car and driver etc.

So I was in the 'room last week... happened to read the opening part of a article 'bout La Mons a few years back.

Had to close it, put it down; get back to work.

Have been in there a few times since; with the same mag, looking for that article.

Have you ever noticed that once you find a really good article you want to read; finding it again is actually impossible?

Like a damn dynamic game of where's waldo. Waldo moves when you look where he should be; in this case the article is all but invisible to the naked eye.

*smile* complaint for the day.


Blogger Budgie said...


8:08 AM


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