Friday, September 30, 2005

Good by

I quit my job yesterday.

Was offered a job in a different field and I accepted... so I walked into my boss' office last night and handed him my resignation.

The 'impact' of this didn't really hit until I told one of my better working-friends in accounting. (cause she needs to know about things like this) She started crying.

I never knew.

A person like me doesn't become things; a person like me makes things become them. And my office is a reflection of me. The 3-4 people I've spoken with of me being out of town, essentially not being... "here" have all had dramatic emotional reactions (except for my girl... she's still being strong) with the singular thought of "how things are going to be different now that he's gone"

Its touching.

Especially for a guy like me... I usually live in a very isolated world... and doing that doesn't allow me to see what impact I have on everything around me.

Thank you... friends and family (if you read this) your emotion is hitting me in a very personal way. I'm going to use this for whats coming.


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