Tuesday, May 24, 2005

The Girlfriend Race

Currently running a race to see who will become a more or less permanent girl for me.

Looking for the usuals - attractive, smart, mature - and some not so usuals - open minded, calm, confident.

I know its a race because I have a few girls I'm currently talking to which show me favor; and it just seems that every time I go out; I catch someone's eyes.

A race.

Because whomever finishes first; well... everyone else is cut pretty quickly from my list. Call me a jerk for those who didn't win; but understand that I'm really not into seeing more than one girl at a time.

Funny thing is; I get shot down alot. Almost every time I go out (anywhere really) I start talking with a girl... get a feeling for her disposition and take it from there. (which usually means that I pretend to know whats going on, ask her out and get shot down. A good game for my friends to observe)

Talking with this girl online. I had a special thing for her. Smart, attractive... this girl definately has a future.

Looking for a permanent relationship, settle down, have kids.

I was like "yeah! this may be just what I want!" got an email today. "I'm just not into this whole online dating, sorry to have wasted your time."

wow. I know honesty for her is important; and I've been in that situation before... having to send one of those out...

It felt like I was kicked in the balls. I'd forgotten what it was like to not be all guarded and get shot down really hard.


Rode to the other office (where I currently am) on monday. (I know... working on a holiday... sacriledge) Leaving town, it was 5 degrees and raining moderately hard.

Let me tell you... that sucked. Imagine being out in the rain with a 120km/hr windchill for an hour and a half. Everything is just dripping wet; nothing really moves right.

Stopped half way (when the rain stopped) to have some supper/lunch. Opening my jacket was done because I've done it every time I get off my bike.

Pure mechanical routine.

Got to the hot tub, just laid there for an hour (until I stopped shaking)

Some times, its nice to be a pampered city boy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rejection is always a hard hit, no matter how you might of felt over someone.

I, however, don't think that your a jerk to cut your list for when you find someone that you'd like to be with. Why keep options open if it would only bring doubt about the person that your with. The old " The grass is greener on the other side of the fence" syndrome. Sometimes you got to take a leap of faith.

Though I disagree that you should feel that its a race. You're rushing through the journey, its not the desintation that matters, but the route that got you there. Take joy in the company that you keep, and even if it is just for a little while.

11:37 PM


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