Okk... so I arrived at my rig in New York state and it looked like they were down for a day or so. My directional hand turned to me and asked "do you like sports?"
5 or so hours later we found ourselves driving the 4 hours to New York City to watch tonight's Yankee / Blue Jays game.
Armed with my GPS, I was navigating (which actually was a full person job) and he was driving. Spent an hour trying to cross the George Washington bridge and we found ourselves attempting to cross Manhattan island. The GPS was having a conniption attempting to find Yankee Stadium, so on route I called a friend. My dad! Dad was happy to look up addresses and find suggested parking options and stuff for me.
He figured that we should park at an actual park which would be close to a subway station and we could take that right to the game.
Apparently it was an amazing idea; we had to turn off of the highways to find a park... and the 30 odd thousand people who were on time to the game I guess shared that thought. So we just drove to the game. Paid for parking 5 blocks away ($30 for an extended box truck) and ran to the game!
Incidentally... we drove (Alberta style!) through Manhattan island during rush hour on a Friday night (of the long weekend). I'm very glad my directional hand was driving because I was having panic issues being the passenger. What were we in? My work truck - a Chevy silverado 2500HD - a 3/4 tonne extended box crew cab pickup. Apparently not a lot of people drive pickups in NYC... and I could definitely see why.
We found a convenient scalper, picked up box seats for $60 each (in the $200/seat section) found our chairs (had to kick someone out of them) and went in search of some beer and hot dogs. (the mission was to eat a hot dog watching the Yankee game)
Took care of that...

But didn't get / post any photos of me eating the hot dog because of the comments I'm sure I'd get.
Yes - this is a pic of me drinking a cold beer at the Yankee's game.
I stopped by the gift shop for a hat and we hit the road. What took us 45 minutes to drive into NYC; surprisingly took less than 5 minutes to get out. 20 minutes of construction and (and another 3 hour drive) and I was back home - on my rig.