Monday, March 19, 2007

Things not to eat

Another month or two and I'll have full truck priveladges restored.

Which is nice!

But I usually take a cab from the shop home when I come in from a jobsite. It allows me to take a nice nap on the way home. True! its a $50 nap... but that just makes it all the better.

This time, I was a little lazy, so I just called the 'rents to come and get me.

I was talking about how happy I was that I had eaten a whole coconut two days ago. The first thing out of mom's mouth was "and you sat on the can the entire next day?"

Which shocked me.

Apperently, coconut is something that just stream-lines the whole digestion process.

Which is awesome! A very good thing to know. Now.

Too bad I didn't know it BEFORE I ate the damn thing.


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