Monday, March 12, 2007

The muffin man

Do you know the muffin man?

Yeah! he's right here!

Went to town yesterday for some ice cream cake. Unfortunately, Dairy Queen was closed. So I picked up some teflon muffin cooking devices and some muffin mix.

I was thinking that what the boys would most want after working out in the cold is some nice freshly baked muffins!

Unfortunately, my baking skills are slightly lacking. Apperently this oven's temperature calibration isn't up to spec. 400 ferenheight is like 450ish and burns the crap out of the outside of muffins while leaving the inside moist and happy.

Cajun muffins.

So I had to eat like the entire first batch (getting rid of the evidence)... *smile* turned down the temperature and put in the seccond batch.


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