Monday, February 26, 2007

Stomache and eating

So my tummy is doing strange things.

I ate a sandwitch today. (and I went out for dessert... we'll see how well that stays down.) Thats it. A sandwitch.

and yes; I did wake up in the am; staying awake all day. I even shoveled the walks; my body's doing a little repair job from the weekends minajerie of fun (just activity, not drinking) and should be starving for wicked awesome food.

And it made me sorta sick to my stomache.

Last night, I was out for dinner with a friend. And we left 1/4 through the meal. Just had everything wrapped up and took off. So strange. I did eat that morning; though I hadn't eaten for almost 24 hours before that.

Thats right... looks like my body is craving less than 1 meal a day.

Maybe there's something in the tea I'm drinking?


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