Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Funny thing; I was up in the dog house (off a rig floor is a small shack - often suspended 20+ feet in the air with computers and stuff in it) and the driller - who is usually pretty happy - had a sour look on his face.

The difference between his smile an hour earlier and his frown was something tangeable I could feel.

I've been reading a book about interaction and group dynamics; one of its biggest suggestion to generate friends and rapport - when you walk in a room make sure to smile. That people who smile belong; people who don't smile are uncoumfortable and thus lower on the totem pole.

They say that if you smile (even a fake smile) your body will be tricked into thinking your happy. Like a pavlov's dog situation I guess.

3 good reasons to put a little effort into your face and bust a smile when I don't think you can.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

chdvrlol, Yeah...I find it amusing you had a book to be told that. It happens to be something my Grandma has been saying for years. A gift from the wise I suppose.

6:03 PM


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