Psycho Killer's
I was watching TV. That cursid devil box.
Something's always tickled my imagination when watching children on TV.
Seeing children period. There is something different between them and us. I'm sure you all would call it puberty or growing up. But there is something there that shouldn't be there.
Almost like a contamination of the soul we shouldn't endure, but all go though. That most people call maturity or growing up.
I have a second hand out here. A very spiritual kid.
Which is awesome. He seems to defer to me regarding things of the soul. Which is also awesome. Whats not so awesome? He's messed. If there was anyone I would say has that "psycho killer" look, its him.
The last directional hand I was working with was fucked. Absolutely crazy. Angry crazy. But this is different.
My second hand is the 'nice person' who you just feel uncoumfortable turning your back on.
Which is funny, he looks very similar to a trainee that i had 6 months ago. And everyone I've talked with who knew him before or after has elected him to the "most likely to kill people" board.
I went to a body/face reading seminar... they say that the same physical attributes identify trends in behavior.
Perhaps this is further proof, the psycho killer look, that profiling actually follows realistic trends?
Have you ever looked at a little kid and said "that kid looks like he'll be a psycho killer"?
I havn't.
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