Thursday, March 10, 2005


So I am now considered a swimmer!

Some guys at the pool are starting to warm up to me, smile and I even held a conversation with a guy for almost 3 minutes. (which for men is almost a reccord)

Other than that... well, life moves on.

I sorta had a thought. That when people are thinking, and your trying to 'listen in' to whats going on... if their thoughts are about you (involving you in their intention) then its definately easier to pickup whats going on. From a distance, or without contact... still not that bad.

(which is why sometimes you'll think of a person, and they'll call... cause they've had intention leading to action involving you... so the thought gets shared)

On the other hand, when they're thinking about something (or someone) else, its totally easier to subtly change the course of what they think. Weather its through energetic or physical means...

Just my thoughts.

Another quicky - never energetically bond with a dog thats 1) annoying, who doesn't know about going to the bathroom outside the house and 2) not yours.

Seriously... when the owner realizes when you walk in the dog runs to you, treats you like the leader of the pack and effortlessly follows your verbal commands... there is potential for negativity to be expressed.


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