Saturday, March 05, 2005

Bright sunny day


A realizatin has come to me.

When you do something that your not supposed to be doing; somthing bad will happen which punnishes you for doing it.

So its March... like march 5th. There is snow still on the ground, my street is absolutely flooded with slush and ice... and here I am, like an idiot, taking my bike out for a quicky around the block.

I go for a small ride (to pick up chicks or somethin) about 10-15 blocks away from my house, and I hear "BANG!" all power to my tire stops and there is this crazy sound coming from the back tire. I kill the ignition, coast into a parking lot... have a peek.

Oh, my chain fell off... and is broken in two spots, and it looks to have fucked things up.

I do what any self respecting motorcyclist does. Walk her home, talking nice to her like she's a sick girlfriend who can't help throwing up.

Along the way a few bikers stop to see whats going on, if I need help or if they can help fix my injured girl.

I get one to sit on her and make sure she doesn't fall (on the ice and slush) while I push for a few blocks; put her onto my sidewalk and kiss her good night.

In alberta, we're nice people. But still, if a car breaks down, there will be at least an hour before someone stops to help. Or even ask if you need help.

In the period of 20 minutes, two bikers stopped (one on a harley, which is taboo... to talk to a street biker) and an offroad scotter (it had winter tires on!) guy stopped and helped push.

Impressed? Totally! Upset that I busted my bike? Totally!

But take what you want, just prepare to pay for it when the bill comes.



So, I had a look... and my bike is turbo-fucked. Specifically, it looks like something happened to the chain, which caused it to slip a couple of times... and when it retensioned, the sudden addition of tork not only threw it completely off its cog, but sheared a bar inside the crank case, and punched through a seal in the engine.

So... to fix my bike, we have to crack the engine, fix some seals, rebuild the crank case, replace the chain, front and rear cog.


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