Saturday, February 26, 2005

Evening thoughts

So I've been internet dating for a while. Which is fun, it really is. If your prepared to sort through alot of fat desperate people; its a damn blast.

Its like... jurassic park. Reading the book was way better than the movie. Your imagination fills in the gaps of what you read with what you think should be there. Which is like chatting with a person on msn who you havn't met.

Everything they say is taken, distorted and then used to form an image of the girl your talking with.

Of course when you actually meet the girl in real life.... the shocking discovery that she weighs more than an adult gorilla, looks shockingly like an adult gorilla and drools more than jabba the hut is usually enough to knock a man off his feet.

In your mind, you take the 'picture' of her, attempt to morph it into what you see.... and realize the "caution, pictures sent to you may be aged more than you would guess" warning should be taken seriously.

Not from any recent experiance...


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