Grass and Blind dates
Before I get into a story of some sort, I want to say that if anyone out there is inclined to try something disgusting, please purchase a grass shot from booster juice.
I've always seen the grass sitting there, and watched people buy them... but I'm a person that can't really stand sitting by the sidelines and not checking out what things are like.
So this morning on my way to work, a co-worker picked me up and we stopped by booster juice.
For 2.00 (plus gst) or so you get a 1 oz shot and a chaser (of either orange juice or pinaple juice). And you look at it, 1 ounce isn't alot of juice. But its like freaky green... and smells strangely like mowing the lawn. (without that gasolene smell from the lawn mower)
One small swig, shot it down bar style... and all of a sudden I could feel a classical "bitter beer" moment coming on.... where you just sorta hold your face in a messed up position in hopes that the taste will go away.
Took the pinaple juice... and my smoothie pretty quickly. Still didn't help much to tell you the truth.
All morning, every time I cough or burp; it tastes like summer.
So a blind date last night.
I play pool almost obsessively... and have a hall where the waitresses sorta know me (probably because I've tried to pick up each of them on seperate occasions). Decided that this would be a really good place to take a girl on an internet first date.
I'm tired of detail today, but all I have to say is whenever going on a blind date of any sort... or a first date of any sort; go to neutral ground.
Incase you have to become a jerk (to get yourself out of a situation) or you have to be really smooth or just something other than you are; you need a place that doesn't allready hold an echo of who you are.
And, if she turns out to be really fat and ugly (which this girl wasn't) then you need a place where your not recognised or don't need to go back to. (if reputation is important to you)
Lastly, The kiss good night.
Watched Hitch the night before (Will smith is known as the date doctor)... Will talks about the kiss good night... where you walk a girl to her door, if she hesitates, go in for the kiss.... stop at 90% and then *magic*.
I've always been used to a position of coumfort. Where I'm the driver in a vehicle, drop a girl off. Maybe half the time will walk her to her door... but still in the vehicle, there is that "conversing transition" where you finish talking and are contemplating what to do. Maybe its been petty, but before I would sit there and watch my passenger be nervous, decide what to do, heisitate and then act. Usually this would just end up in a "well... good night" pause as she's leaving the car... and then drive away. ((Of course there were a few times that during conversation I would bring up the topic of a good night kiss... and proceed from there))
I never understood exactly what it was like for a passenger who didn't get any signals from the driver.
I think the rule of thumb should be that whomever is doing the driving has to set the condition. If the driver wants a good night kiss... to signal by taking off his or her seat belt, and perhaps go for the move in, or at least shift into park for an extended conversation or something.
Position being reversed last night (she drove me home) and I had absolutely no clue as to direction, intention or even if I found her attractive (no alcohol involved last night)... I sat there and just made as gracefull exit as possible; hoping that was cool.
Things that are allowed to drift through my head -
1) if she thought I was cool and looked at me as a potentially sexual object, if I didn't kiss her then perhaps it would be taken negatively
2) this is how someone founds a 'friendship - relationship' by not holding the possibilities in their hand. I've been out on a first date with a girl and felt her need to press in close and kiss me... but the 'guess' that that may be not what she wants has gotten in the way....
Feel then do.
I think when walking on uncertain ground, that principal should be a good idea.
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