Sunday, March 06, 2005

Every moment

So, in ninjutsu class; to bow in we say some magic japaneese words, roughly translated mean "every moment holds the possibility for enlightenment"

Taking that into every day life... every moment holds unlimited potential.

I've found throughout the years (not that I'm very old) that whenever I think something insignificant is happening, having a casual conversation or saying small sideline thoughts; somehow I effect someone's life.

The other day, I was at a superbowl party (by other day, I mean a month or so in the past). Talking to friends, chillin' stuff like that. A friend turned to me and said "holy shit, you've lost tons of weight" to which I casually replied, "I didn't like my body, so I figured I'd strip it down and rebuild it"

She repeated that to herself twice or three times, we hugged and seperated.

Tonight we went out for dinner (and some other friends) I turned, and realised that she looked like she's lost alot of weight. I commented, said she looked really good. She told me that my comment the other night really hit some ground. That she was rebuilding her body too.


Which is totally cool. There have been times in the past where I smiled once, added another dollar or two onto a tip or just let someone else go infront of me; and you see the difference.

Somehow a year later, a day later... it comes back where you see how you've influenced someone's life by doing the slightest positive thing.



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