Sunday, March 13, 2005

the sum of our parts

So... I was at Breaking class today. Still struggling to not say that I'm a ninja, but talking with some guys at class.

It appears that they've accepted me and celebrate me as a member of their little club. Which is great. I come with no credentials, no experiance, nothing relevant. I havn't talked about myself or who I am... I just live in the now with them all... and they accept that.

Which is cool. I guess we are the culmination of our experiances. Wether we actively use those experiances or if people just see them behind our eyes.

Every few days, when I feel scattered. Waking up not really knowing whats going on, with no direction or focus... I close my eyes and say the magic words "My name is Craig"... and that summarizes everything about me.

And If you focus and give those words power... your mind becomes focused and relaxed.


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