Thursday, March 24, 2005


So, up front I'm gonna have to say that I removed a paragraph from my blog.

I did something that I'm sure every amateur blogger does at least once; mention something by name and perhaps refer to it with negative connotation.

First I have to say that what I wrote may be viewed as inappropriate. I wrote something quickly about a sales team that may have used underhanded approaches to convince my company to spend money on a product they may or may not need.

I believe there was a miscommunication regarding the arrangement of the presentation, as well as a misunderstanding of who to invite or who to involve. I'm sure the sales team didn't feel properly represented in our last presentation and attempted to hit some larger apples.

As I really don't want to be involved in any cases regarding slander or defamation please accept this post as an appology for any misconceptions.

My comment was about the practices of the salesmen, not regarding the product presented.



Blogger lws said...

just blog hopping :)

i don't have a violent reaction...:) cheers:) happy easter!

11:56 AM


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