Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Group conciousness

So... I am.

That is one of the founding ideals of humanity.

I am.

I am alone, I am 1 person, I am unique. These thoughts are things everyone thinks... things that drift through one's mind from time to time. They establish the boundries that our skin create.

But perhaps we're not so isolated as previously thought?

Thats where "We are" comes in.

I don't remember from where, but I have heard that the instinct in animals could be residual memories of that animals parents.

(there must be some science behind it... but I'm at work and don't want to research that topic)

But group conciouness in humans can be very easy to prove.

Look at this article from March 22/05 (yeah... yesterday)

Two scientests working in seperate labs, not sharing information discover the same process of detecting extra-solar planets.

Same thing, different instruments, different place with no communication.

But our history is riddled with examples of this over and over again.

Look at (histories favorite) the telephone.

Look at the radio; the nuclear bomb, rocket exploration into space... I'm sure everyone has heard of wicked awesome co-incidences of one person beating another to the pattent office by minutes to receive acclaim on product invention.

And that was way before we had the internet (*laugh* even the telephone)... in an age where keeping knowledge to yourself creates power and wealth... that makes this all the more outrageous.

I'm sure there could be a ruling body that is slowly releasing technology to a few of its chosen "inventors" so they can race to the patent offices and say "look what I made"... but group conciousness would be a better one. Shared thoughts, shared memories.

Haven't you ever wondered about the words "mob mentality"?

Seriously... the whole thought of us being in a group of people suddenly becoming idiots completely on our own just doesn't make sence. Aren't we supposed to create something greater than the sum of the individuals involved?

But... if you apply the "group conciousness" ideal... perhaps we have easier access to the "thought pool" if we're closer together?

Really though... all it would take is one person to feel powerfully about something, have that coupled with a few people who are 'leaning' in the same direction... there you have it. A powersource creating something similar to fision... spreading through 5 or 6 people... you can infect the next 10 around you by sheer force.

A mob is formed.

The most intersting thing, is when I've taught martial arts classes, you feel a sort of euphoria. Allowing me (or whomever is there) unquestionable energy and ability. Belief in one's ability maybe making that a reality?

Which can easily extend to churches. You take one powerfull minister. Add a couple of religious zelots sitting in the front rows... and **tadaa** you have an emotionally moving ceremony.

And whomever isn't along the same waves, just make them sing the same songs as everyone else, I'm sure that would be enough to get their cogs moving in the same direction.



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