The hunger
All of us are born hungry.
Some people are hungry for acclaim, some for power, some for a family. But its there... that hunger that burns inside until its satiated.
I was at dance class yesterday, talking with my instructor. After the end (this is class 2 mind you... thats right, I've been dancing for 2 whole hours) he turns to me and says "your hungry aren't you?"
And thats it. That sums my whole existance over the last 6 years. Through two martial arts dojo's (well, a dojo and a dojang), through school, through living with friends, through 4 jobs, through everything. With those words. "I'm hungry."
A hunger. What my current CEO would call "that fire in the belly". Maybe its hungry for success that keeps one like me going. The indomitable spirit. We climb the mountain... not because its easy, but because it is hard.
Or perhaps its hunger to proove something to the outside world.
The statements "I'm smarter" "I'm faster" "I'm stronger" "I can hit harder" "I can look cooler" "I can glide where others stagger" "I can keep going where others fall"
Rarely are these things said to one's self in the mirror late at night.
These are things that you say to a new girlfriend, to proove to her that your a special person... better than the other guys whom your fighting against for her love.
And I turned around tonight. Looked at what I've done. Who I am... and thats me.
I'm hungry. I feel that fire. That obsessive "I need to be better". Not so I can say "Look where I've been" but "Look who I've beat".
how do you go about changing that?
Truth be told, I don't feel bad about who I am, or what I do...
I eat like an ethiopian who'se never seen a buffet before.
he may be well fed... but as soon as the tiniest room comes available, time to eat again.
And I agree with you, there will always be someone better, stronger, faster. Thats true.
I just find that I do alot of what I do to make myself look better in others eye's.
I know I'm perfect right now.
I'm just hungry.
6:53 AM
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