I'm gonna try to be as co-herent as possible.
First off... Anonymous; thanks for the long comment. It was very well thought out and written... and everything you said is absolutely true.
Unfortunately; i don't want that. I don't want control over my life... I had it and pushed it away.
Being a Scorpio; that comes so naturally... controlling everything I see. And for a time, there was nothing that could suprise;nothing could take me off stride.
But I want a random crazy life. I want to experiance the emotions that come with unwanted suprises and accidents. I love it when something tragic happens in my life (which i often cause) or when something beautifull appears randomly. Its one of this amazing world's wonders and joys.
Don't get me wrong, i still sit in this flow of life and alter the events about to happen... but only when there's a blockage... something thats pushing against the natural flow. Other than that, This is My playground... *smile* and I'm playing.
So yeah... spent a wonderfull day at home. Worked 26 on, had 1 day off and i'm back out here at the rig.
And not only do I get to do the job i'm trained for; but i get to add another job to my ever growing list.
I just woke up; worked 2 days straight with a half hour sleep during that time... after driving for 8 hours and getting little to no sleep while home.
by just woke up; i mean, i caught a good 2 hour nap. *sigh* and i think thats really the most sleep I'm gonna see for the next 5 or so days to come.
What did I do while home?
Well...! I convinced 4 friends (with zero notice) to move me into my new house. Ended up going to a pub with some other guys; made it out to a martial arts class.
And I saw a girl.
Strange thing this one... someone from my past whose changed dramatically. And I'm someone from her past (we're talking like highschool) who doesn't even resemble the person she knew.
And I have no clue about where I sit with this one. We walked for a few hours; talked about religion and belief.
Soo much to take in; and not much I want to share. Just that it happened, and that she's an amazing person.
I love my life.