Beefdrop Commented:
"Its easier to be neutral than to invest emotion. Sometimes there just is no reason to exude anymore then average emotions anyways. Look into 'guided imagery', and how to access your inner self."
And I agree.
Funny enough; I've been using "guided imagery" which i call "meditation" but a form of active meditation for years.
Among other things.
Thanks Beefdrop; I appreciate the input.
I've done some further soul searching. And there are several things involved here. Some times the "retraction of honest emotion" is in response to previous pain or injury's...
And realistically; as is the case with my friends; I'm not really ever in a situation with them that its possible to react other than positively.
Because simply; I want to be with them... otherwise, I won't call them. If i don't like where I am, what I'm doing, I'll just leave. Yeah, I often disguise that negative response as something else...
My brother taught me that. That when you don't like whats happening; change it. Go somewhere else; hang out with other poeople. And people respect you for that. Because your a leader at that point; and people want to be leaders... so they'll hang out with you because you have something they want.
On the other hand; there are really few people that I feel coumfortable extending myself into a vulnerable situation. A vulnerable situation can be a situation which demands (or can prompt) a negative emotion. Or any emotion other than happy.
And by nature negative emotions create vulnerability. Vulnerable because people view negative emotions negatively. When is the last time you've said "well, he shouldn't have been that happy... I hate it when someone gets happy like that and calls me up." no... its always "he got angry and we had a fight" "he was lonely, came over and we slept together; I wish we wouldn't have done that"
I'm sure you all have examples; I'm just saying negative emotions are subjective to criticism. When someone criticises you, no matter how strong you are; you still get hurt.
Lets look at this from a flip side. Its always been my perspective that everything we do as people are caused by something. We are a product of stimulus and response. Someone strikes me; I'm going to respond in a fassion thats created the desired response in the past.
I'll strike them back; I'll spit in their eyes and punch them in the stomache; I'll curl up and cry.
Whats easier to deal with? someone who'se just delt with you being negative? or you being positive?
Simple. A positive gives; a negative person takes. People like being around generous people, because they get things. From me, my positivity rubs off. I give energy to everyone I interact with every day.
Why? because the next time I deal with them its easier. I've just created a positive loop. They'll be positive with me next time, so I'm positive back. Back and fourth. And if that doesn't happen, I taper off my contact with them. Until I see them once every 3 years or so and every time determines if I see them again.
How do I have so much positivity to give out? because every where I go; I was positive last time, they give it back. My "crop" has reaped its rewards and I can plant more.
My boss asked me (last time I was in town) why I was so positive. I became 'someone else', squared my shoulders, stopped my submissive posture and postulating; looked him in the eyes and killed my smile.
Lowing my voice as I do when entering my power I said "in my understanding; being negative is about the worst thing a person can be."
And it is.
As I create positive swirls of energy; a perma-negative person creates the opposite. With everyone eventually drawing from eachother. You hurt people. Definately on a small scale; but your taking from them and setting them up in the future to take from you.
Why is it bad in my opinion? Not because they hurt others and themselves; but because in the future I'll have to deal with someone that these "negetive" people have turned. And those people will take from me. (yeah, I'm selfish. so what? *smile*) And it will take more positivity from me to make them give back. (which is often not worth my time)
Thoughts? Am I just full of crap?