Wednesday, December 21, 2005


And the stockings were hung...

Wait a minute!

Yeah, thats right. I'm up hours out of town (more than 5) and i'm stuck here working straight through christmas and more than likely through new years.

New Years I guess is fine; I never really got the whole "kiss someone" on new years.

I guess I've been at the wrong parties; but its been over 6 years since I kissed a girl on the national "kiss a girl" holiday.

The funniest part, is almost every year, I was dating a girl at least until the start of November.

So yeah.

The only dissapointing part is missing christmas. I really like that holiday. Spending it with family from out of town.


Merry Christmas to all!

I'll be thinking about you when "just another day" passes and I'm out here watching the rig drill another 20 meters.


Blogger Budgie said...

I'll have a glass of eggnog and a candycane and a japanese orange on your behalf.

:) merry xmas

6:49 PM


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