Thursday, December 01, 2005


"beefdrop said...
And the other rule about fighting is: if you have a weapon, you better use it, and use it well. Right? This I know from experience, but we won't get into that. Hey, you should get me a ninja membership for Christmas. That would be fun, except for the running part."

Well, beefer...

I always carry a knife. Over the last few years, as soon as I wake up; I have a knife on my body, as soon as I go to sleep, I put it in the same place (amongst some other tools that are good to have at hand).

But I treat it like an insurence policy; a condom if you would. The one time you need it, you had better have it.

And your right. like changing a tire in the winter; in the middle of the highway... its not something you want to learn about in a pressure situation.


Ninja class? Sorry buddy, but that ship has sailed. The instructor got my job and is out of town as of the 15th; his last day teaching should have been tuesday. The backup? someone with initiave and knowledge... well that guy - who was supposed to take over if class is me... and I'm up 10 hours north of town right now.

The running; thats the last of our activities. running is the easy part. Defending yourself while under massive stress and pain; you would be suprised how much of a cardio excercise that is.


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