Saturday, November 05, 2005

Oh yeah;

So I was at the bar; after something happened with the girl I was dancing with; I wanted to slink off. Started gathering energy into me and made a push to expel it into that invisibility that I use so very often; All I felt was *fizzle*.

Oh dear.

But I think i was dancing well. Ran into a girl I used to breakdance with. Gave her a big pick-me-up hug.

Her friend had her back pierced in 6 places. Had a ribbon running through it like the backing of an expensive dress.

It looked cool, but I just don't know about some things.


We ended up at humpty's (which is the best because of its rare sit down 24 hour-ed-ness.)

there was this particularely hot girl sitting with a fat ugly (but jolly) guy. We get up to leave when she starts talking with us. And she wouldn't shut up. Claimed that she wanted to talk about the X-Men. Because she loves comics.

We were like... uh? Stood there for almost 10 minutes while she wouldn't stop talking.

Came to the understanding that when she sat down, she had completely hiked her skirt up around her waist. for some reason. I made some "your drunk and an idiot" comment (that I do so well) when she turned all hostile. Wanted to start talking about bio-chemistry. Of course I had already used my "the female body only absorbs 40% of the birth control pills, dumping the rest into our water supply; which doesn't filter out" pickup line; so I had really nothing to say.

Apperently she claims to be quite the smart person.

Too bad I guess; she was very attractive.

Funny that; those first impressions are a bitch.


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