Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Horray! I still have A reader! WOOO!

Fated said...
Yay! A new post. Sounds like an interesting life you've had lately. Hope you love the new york job!

Well holy crap!

I figured everyone had packed their bags and gone home; leaving this blog in the dust of their passing.

Things are slowly starting to settle down as I pack up my baggage (emotionally) and prepare to leave some of it behind.

Speaking about which; I havn't left yet. *sigh* but looks like my next benchmark is the 29th, and if that fails; going to a sask. job on the 4th.

I'll know more tomorrow.

etc etc.

So yeah!

I was at the office today; played hackisack in the bay for an hour with some of the department managers. It was killer fun.

Unfortunately, it was just like school... but instead of the principal; it was my bosses boss walking by every 20 minutes giving us a frown or dissaproving eye.

Maybe not the best thing to do; but he said at this morning's meeting that we're supposed to make the best friends with today's co-workers, as they'll be tomorrow's bosses.


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