Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Blockbuster girl.

so I was dancing (last time I was in town) with these nursing girls; one of them looked like a girl who works at the local blockbusters. I've been trying to schedule my blockbuster visit to co-inside with her working and maybe strike up a little conversation.

Just to see if she's the same and maybe link up with a cool group of girls to go party with.

So I popped in; found her and managed to start off the conversation in the wrong direction. Which is cool. I'm rather nicely dressed today, had my bike with me and just got my hair foiled; freshly tanned from skydiving... so I figure I'm pretty attractive.

Which is great; unfortunately, she's not that girl. Regardless, i got my flirt on. Proceeded to save-on-foods to pickup some smokies, got my flirt on there too. Maybe i just look weird or soemthing, because like everything female keeps looking at me. I think I got 3 double takes. And I've only been out of the house for like an hour or so.


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