Monday, April 02, 2007


Alright, this is awesome!

My trainee doesn't speak much english... and he messed up really good.

He didn't send in some safety stuff from the last quarter...

If you have it sent out, you get a $25 bonus per day you've worked. Which works out to about $1000.

Which is hilarious for me. He's like "I didn't send out some safety stuff..." and I got to break it to him... that it doesn't upset me, only that he isn't elegable for his thousand dollar bonus.

He was in shock... took it in stride with a pretty nice smile... saying that he doesn't really need the thousand dollars, but maybe it would be useful for pocket change or something to pickup a cart at the grocery store.

It was awesome! I was looking to hurt someone's feelings tonight, and sure as shit a wicked oppourtunity just appeared for me!



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